SEJ Commission on Archives and History
The mission of the Southeastern Jurisdiction Commission on Archives and History is to preserve and keep alive the stories of the remarkable persons, places and events that make up our unique history as United Methodists in the Annual Conferences that comprise the Southeastern Jurisdiction (SEJ). Our vision is to become, through the work of the SEJ Heritage Center, a primary source of information for persons responsible for, or seeking access to, records documenting the history and function of the Southeastern Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church.
Membership Guidelines:
The By-Laws of the SEJ Commission on Archives and History state:
In accordance with the discretion granted by The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church (2012, Par. 532), the membership of the Commission shall include a representative from each of the annual conferences within the Southeastern Jurisdiction, to be nominated by the Commission and elected by the Jurisdictional Conference; no more than five members at-large elected by the Commission; and the President of the SEJ Historical Society. The Director of Archives and the Heritage Center shall be a member without vote and without term limitation.
It is the duty of this Commission to collect and preserve our SEJ history and assist Annual
Conferences to do the same, to maintain the SEJ Heritage Center at Lake Junaluska, and to provide educational enrichment opportunities for our varied constituents. For those accepting membership on this Commission there are certain expectations. This is not an honorary position – we are a working group. As United Methodists we promised to uphold the church by our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. We are expected to apply these same promises to our work as a Commission.
The development of the Heritage Center has always depended heavily on the prayers of those involved in sustaining it and promoting it. Prayer is foundational to the work and ministry of the Commission on Archives and History and our Heritage Center.
This is a four-year appointment and involves one two-day meeting in November. If a member is unable to attend this meeting, a representative should be delegated to attend in his/her place. This person should bring any report needed to carry on the work of the Commission. The By-Laws state that any person who is absent and without representative at two consecutive meetings will be replaced.
Each member of the Commission will be assigned to a committee. At present these committees
are Administration and Personnel, Communication, Finance, and Ministry and Programming.
· These committees will involve contact between meetings by at least email or perhaps other technologies.
· The Commission offers workshops every other year following the Commission meeting for local church historians, Conference personnel and other interested persons. Members should expect to assist with these workshops occasionally when needed.
· Each member of the Commission must have access to email and check regularly for messages related to the work of the Commission and the Heritage Center.
Every Commission member should make an appropriate gift to the Heritage Center each year. Our goal is 100% participation. It is difficult to ask others for gifts if we do not personally support our Heritage Center.
Each member should communicate with the people of their Annual Conferences. Church historians, newspaper editors, Conference staff and District Superintendents should be informed of services and materials available from the Heritage Center to assist them in preserving and celebrating their history.
· The term of service is 4 years (1 quadrenium) with the possibility of a second term.
· The November meeting (two days) is held at Lake Junaluska.
· Official meetings may be called at other times as per the By-Laws.
· Members are partially reimbursed for transportation, hotel, and meals at the November Commission meeting.
Adopted November 20, 2015 by the Southeastern Jurisdiction Commission on Archives and History
For more information contact Nancy Watkins, SEJ Heritage Center Director, at nhwatkins@sejcah.org or (828) 356-5065.